Projekta gaitā tapušās publikācijas


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Līdz 2011 g. 1. jūlijam publicētie vai publicēšanai pieņemtie raksti


Starptautiskos izdevumos:



Rumnieks J., Tars K. Crystal structure of the read-through domain from bacteriophage Qβ A1 protein. Protein sci (2011), accepted for publication.


Ducena K., Abols A., Vilmanis J., Narbuts Z., Tars J., Andrejeva D., Line A., Pirags V. Validity of multiplex biomarker model of 6 genes for the differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules.Thyroid Res. (2011) 4(1):11. [Epub ahead of print]


Ignatovica V., Latkovskis G., Peculis R., Megnis K., Schioth H.B., Vaivade I., Fridmanis D., Pirags V., Ergis A., Klovins J. Singe nucleotide polymorphisms of the purinergic 1 receptor are not associated with myocardial infarction in a Latvian population. Mol Biol Rep. (2011) Jun 4. [Epub ahead of print]


Peculis R, Latkovskis G, Tarasova L, Pirags V, Erglis A, Klovins J. A non-synonymous variant I248L of the adenosine A3 receptor is associated with coronary heart disease in a Latvian population, DNA and Cell Biology,  2011 Jun 15. [Epub ahead of print]


Erenpreisa J., Cragg MS., Anisimov AP., Illidge TM. Tumor cell embryonality and the ploidy number 32n: Is it a developmental checkpoint? Cell Cycle. (2011) 10:1873-4.


Kazaks A., Voronkova T., Rumnieks J., Dishlers A., Tars K. Genome Structure of Caulobacter Phage phiCb5. J Virol. (2011) 85: 4628-31.


Erenpreisa J., Salmina K., Huna A., Kosmacek E.A., Cragg M., Ianzini F., Anisimov A.Polyploid tumour cells elicit para-diploid progeny through de-polyploidising divisions and regulated autophagic degradation. Cell Biol Int. (2011) Jan 21. 35(7):687-95.


Huna A., Salmina K., Jascenko E., Duburs G., Inashkina I., Erenpreisa J. Self-renewal signalling in pre-senescent

tetraploid IMR90 cells - J Aging Research (2011) 2011: 103253.


Ignatovica V., Petrovska R., Fridmanis D., Klovins J. Expression of human melanocortin 4 receptor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cent Eur J Biol. (2011) 6(2):167-175.


Pliss L., Brakmanis A., Ranka R., Elferts D., Krumina A., Baumanis V.. The link between mitochondrial DNA hypervariable segment I heteroplasmy and ageing among genetically unrelated Latvians. Exp Gerontol. (2011) ;46(7):560-8.


Freivalds J., Dislers A., Ose V., Pumpens P., Tars K., Kazaks A. Highly efficient production of phosphorylated hepatitis B core particles in yeast Pichia pastoris. Protein Expr Purif. (2011) 75:218-24.


Tars K., Rumnieks J., Zeltins A., Kazaks A., Kotelovica S., Leonciks A., Sharipo J., Viksna A., Kuka J., Liepinsh E., Dambrova M. Crystal structure of human gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. (2010) 398:634-9.


Salmina K., Jankevics E., Huna A., Perminov D., Radovica I., Klymenko T., Ivanov A., Jascenko E., Scherthan H., Cragg M., Erenpreisa J. Up-regulation of the embryonic self-renewal network through reversible polyploidy in irradiated p53-mutant tumour cells. Experimental Cell Research (2010) 316:2099-2112.


Erenpreisa J. and Cragg M . MOS, aneuploidy and the ploidy cycle of cancer cells. Mini-review/comment. Oncogene (2010) 29:5447-51.


Vietējos izdevumos:


Bogdanova A., Bērziņš U., Brūvere R., Kozlovska T. Adipose-derived stem cells cultured in autologous serum maintain the characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, section B (2010) 64:20-30


Līdz 2011 g. 1. jūlijam publicēšanai sagatavotie manuskripti



Silina K, Zayakin P, Kalnina Z, Ivanova L, Meistere I, Stengrevics A, Wex T, Suso E.M.I, Leja M, Malferheiner P, Gaudernack G, D. Schadendorf, Linē A. Molecular analysis of serologically defined tumor antigens reveals novel cancer-testis antigens as potential targets for cancer immunotherapy.


Mihailova A., Mikazane H., Klovins J., Nikitina-Zake L. Association of protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor 22 (PTPN22)  rs2476601 and Kruppel-like factor 12 (KLF12) rs1324913 single nucleotide polymorphisms with rheumatoid arthritis in Latvian population.


 Pirags V., Ciganoka D., Balcere I., Kapa I., Peculis R., Valtere A., Nikitina-Zake L., Lase I., Schioth H.B., Klovins J. Identification of Somatostatin Receptor Type 5 gene polymorphisms associated with acromegaly.


Ignatovica V., Megnis K., Lapins M., Schioth H.B., Klovins J. Identification and analysis of functionally important amino acid residues in the human purinergic 12 receptor using yeast S. cerevisiae expression system.


Pirms projekta uzsākšanas publicētie raksti


-Zemākāk minētie divi  raksti ir tapuši pēc projekta iesniegšanas, bet pirms projekta apstiprināšanas un uzsākšanas. Abos rakstos minētās darbības (phiCB5 struktūras noteikšanu un ērču pārnēsāto slimību bakteriālo proteīnu izpēti) bija paredzēts noteikt ESF projekta ietvaros (sk. projekta iesniegumu), bet sakarā ar ievērojamiem kavējumiem finansējuma piešķiršanā, daļa no plānotā darbs tika veikta agrāk un par citiem līdzekļiem.


Starptautiskos izdevumos:


 Plevka P., Kazaks A., Voronkova T., Kotelovica S., Dishlers A., Liljas L., Tars K. The structure of bacteriophage phiCb5 reveals a role of the RNA genome and metal ions in particle stability and assembly. J Mol Biol. (2009) 391:635-47.


Vietējos izdevumos:


 Ranka R., Capligina V., Brangulis K., Sondore V., Baumanis V. 2009. Cloning and expression of a recombinant immunogenic truncated BBK32 protein of Borrelia afzelii. Acta Universitatis Latviensis ser. Biologica. 753: 33 – 42.